You dont need static driver or static methods

You dont need a static driver or static methods in Selenium test automation.

Because they bring more problems than benefits.

Such as breaking encapsulation, making objects mutable and promoting procedural code.


Enough technical terms, lets talk common sense.

We have a test for a successful user log in:

public class LoginTests {

 private WebDriver driver;
 private final String EMAIL = "";
 private final String PASSWORD = "password123";
 public void setUp() {
   driver = new FirefoxDriver();
 public void tearDown() {
 public void successfulLoginWorks() {
   LoginPage loginPage = new LoginPage(driver);;
   MainPage mainPage = loginPage.loginAs(EMAIL, PASSWORD);
   assertTrue(mainPage.isUserNameDisplayed() == true);


It uses 2 page objects:

public class LoginPage {

 private final String URL = "";
 private final String TITLE = "Login Page";
 private final By EMAIL_ID ="emailId");
 private final By PASSWORD_ID ="passwordId");
 private final By LOGIN_ID ="loginBtnId");

 private WebDriver driver;
 private WebDriverWait wait;

 public LoginPage(WebDriver d) {
   this.driver = d;
   this.wait = new WebDriverWait(this.driver, 30);

 public void open() {
   if (title().equals(TITLE) == false)
     throw new RuntimeException("Home Page is not displayed!");
 public String url() {
   return this.driver.getCurrentUrl();
 public String title() {
   return this.driver.getTitle();

 public MainPage loginAs(String username, String password) {
   WebElement emailTextBox = 
   WebElement passwordTextBox = 
   WebElement loginButton = 
   return new MainPage(this.driver);


And MainPage …..

public class MainPage {
 private final String URL = "";
 private final By USERNAME_ID ="userNameId");
 private WebDriver driver;
 private WebDriverWait wait;

 public MainPage(WebDriver d) {
   this.driver = d;
   this.wait = new WebDriverWait(this.driver, 30);
   if (url().equals(URL) == false)
     throw new RuntimeException("Main Page is not displayed!");

 public String url() {
   return this.driver.getCurrentUrl();
 public boolean isUserNameDisplayed() {
   WebElement userNameLabel = 
   return userNameLabel.isDisplayed();



The test can be improved in 2 places.

First, the driver is passed to the LoginPage object.

Second, we create a LoginPage object in the test.


How is the driver used by the page classes?

The test creates a LoginPage object and passes the driver object to it:

LoginPage loginPage = new LoginPage(driver);


The LoginPage constructor gets the driver as parameter and saves it in a class field:

public LoginPage(WebDriver d) {
 this.driver = d;


LoginPage class passes the driver to a MainPage object in the loginAs() method:

public MainPage loginAs(String username, String password) {
 return new MainPage(this.driver);


The MainPage constructor gets the driver as parameter and saves it in a class field.

The driver object is passed around by the page classes.


How can we fix these 2 problems?

One way would be with a static driver and static page methods.




First, we create a BaseTest class as a parent for test classes.

We move to it the driver object and make it static.

We also move to it the setUp() and tearDown() methods, make them static and change their annotations from @Before and @After to @BeforeClass and @AfterClass:

public class BaseTest {

 public static WebDriver driver;

 public static void setUp() {
   driver = new FirefoxDriver();
 public static void tearDown() {



Next, we make the LoginTest class inherit from BaseTest and remove the driver object:

public class LoginTests extends BaseTest {
 private final String EMAIL = "";
 private final String PASSWORD = "password123";

 public void successfulLoginWorks() {
   LoginPage loginPage = new LoginPage();;
   MainPage mainPage = loginPage.loginAs(EMAIL, PASSWORD);
   assertTrue(mainPage.isUserNameDisplayed() == true);


Notice that there is no driver, setUp() and tearDown() methods in

How do the page classes access the static driver?


A static import for the BaseTest class is added both to LoginPage and MainPage classes:

import static BaseTest.*;


Because of it, since the driver field of BaseTest is public, the page classes can use it as if it is local to the page class.

import static BaseTest.*;

public class LoginPage {

 private final String URL = "";
 private final String TITLE = "Login Page";
 private final By EMAIL_ID ="emailId");
 private final By PASSWORD_ID ="passwordId");
 private final By LOGIN_ID ="loginBtnId");

 private WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 30);

 public void open() {
   if (title().equals(TITLE) == false)
     throw new RuntimeException("Home Page is not displayed!");
 public String url() {
   return driver.getCurrentUrl();
 public String title() {
   return driver.getTitle();

 public MainPage loginAs(String username, String password) {
   WebElement emailTextBox = 
   WebElement passwordTextBox = 
   WebElement loginButton = 
  return new MainPage();


And MainPage …..

import static BaseTest.*;

public class MainPage {
 private final String URL = "";
 private final By USERNAME_ID ="userNameId");
 public MainPage() {  
   if (url().equals(URL) == false)
     throw new RuntimeException("Main Page is not displayed!");

 public String url() {
   return driver.getCurrentUrl();
 public boolean isUserNameDisplayed() {
   WebElement userNameLabel = 
   return userNameLabel.isDisplayed();



Notice that there are no driver parameters for the constructors of the page classes.

The driver fields are removed as well.

Every time a page method needs the driver object, it does not prefix it with this any longer since the driver is not a class field.


Great, there is no driver in the test!


How do we remove the LoginPage object?

We can make all page methods static for both classes.

The public page methods are all declared as static and do not return any objects.

All page fields become static as well.

import static BaseTest.*;

public class LoginPage {
 private static final String URL = "";
 private static final String TITLE = "Login Page";
 private static final By EMAIL_ID ="emailId");
 private static final By PASSWORD_ID ="passwordId");
 private static final By LOGIN_ID ="loginBtnId");

 private static WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 30);

 public static void open() {
   if (title().equals(TITLE) == false)
     throw new RuntimeException("Home Page is not displayed!");
 public static String url() {
   return driver.getCurrentUrl();
 public static String title() {
   return driver.getTitle();

 public static void loginAs(String username, String password) {
   WebElement emailTextBox = 
   WebElement passwordTextBox = 
   WebElement loginButton = 


And MainPage class …

import static BaseTest.*;

public class MainPage {
 private static final String URL = "";
 private static final By USERNAME_ID ="userNameId");
 private static WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 30);
 public static void open() {
   if (url().equals(URL) == false)
     throw new RuntimeException("Main Page is not displayed!");
 public static String url() {
   return driver.getCurrentUrl();
 public static boolean isUserNameDisplayed() {
   WebElement userNameLabel = 
   return userNameLabel.isDisplayed();



Since all methods are static and we dont want any objects in the test, the page methods do not return any objects.

We do not have constructors either.

For the MainPage class, this creates a problem since we were validating in the constructor that the page is displayed.

The loginAs() method does not return a MainPage object too.

To go around all these restrictions, we create an open() method in the MainPage class that does not open the page but validates that it is displayed.


How does the test look with static methods?

public class LoginTests extends BaseTest {

 public void successfulLoginWorks() {;
   LoginPage.loginAs(EMAIL, PASSWORD);;
   assertTrue(MainPage.isUserNameDisplayed() == true);


Very convenient, is it not?

No driver, no LoginPage object, no setUp() and tearDown()!!!

All these are achieved with static methods, static variables and a static driver.




Is this correct?

I dont think it is.

Lets look first at concerns about the public static driver.

Our driver is a public field of the BaseTest class.

Class fields should always be private so that they cannot be accessed and modified from outside of the class.

It should not be possible to change the fields of a class since this means changing the state of the class’s objects.

This is called immutability in programming meaning that the state of an object should not be changed after the object is created.

Our driver is also static.

Java code should be object oriented so it should use objects.

Each object encapsulates fields and methods and its methods should work on the class fields and the methods parameters only.

Using external static variables in a class means that we break the encapsulation concept.

The state of the object is known when the object’s methods only use the object’s fields.

When external static variables are used as well, the state of the object is not known any longer.

Finally, the static page methods.

Because of using static page methods, all class fields must be static as well.

So the page class uses everything static.

We dont need objects any longer when using static methods.

This is wrong for the same reasons already discussed (immutability, encapsulation).


But there is one more reason for not using static variables and methods.
Static methods and variables encourage procedural code to be written instead of object oriented.


Now, it seems like we are failing at automation.

It is not too bad to just have a static driver variable.

But using static in other ways is not recommended.



So, if static is bad, how do we solve our problems?

First, how important are these problems?

Having the driver passed around by the page classes is not a big deal.

It is a minor case of duplication that is ok to live with.

For the driver in the test and the page object, we can solve this in a different way.

First, we go back to the previous code version where nothing static was used.

Then, we change the BaseTest class by adding a method to open the site:

public class BaseTest {

 private final String URL = "";
 public WebDriver driver;

 public void setUp() {
   driver = new FirefoxDriver();
 public void tearDown() {

 public LoginPage openSite() {
   return new LoginPage(this.driver);


Notice that BaseTest uses non-static methods again and @Before/@After annotations.

The test becomes:

public class LoginTests {

 public void successfulLoginWorks() {
   LoginPage loginPage = openSite();;
   MainPage mainPage = loginPage.loginAs(EMAIL, PASSWORD);
   assertTrue(mainPage.isUserNameDisplayed() == true);


Now, openSite() launches the site and returns the LoginPage object.

The LoginPage object encapsulates the driver and passes it to the MainPage object.





If you liked this article,

you may be interested in my new KINDLE book about how to simplify Selenium code with automation patterns:

Improve Selenium Code with Automation Patterns:

Page Object Model ,Page Factory, Page Elements, Base Page, Loadable Component



  1. I think we are on the same page, I use TestNG
    public BaseTest {
    protected WebDriver driver = null;

    public void beforeMethod( … ) {
    // capabilities, options …
    driver = new FirefoxDriver(opts);
    public void afterMethod() {
    if (driver != null) {
    driver = null;

    public SomeTest extends BaseTest {
    SomePage page = null;
    @BeforeMethod(dependsOnMethods = “beforeMethod”) // run BaseTest.beforeMethod before this one
    public void setup() {
    SomePage page = new SomePage(driver);

    public void firstTest() {
    driver.get( …);
    page.findElement(css …);

    public void secondTest(){
    page.findElement(css …);
    1. I’m quitting the driver after each method, some people don’t like this. I believe its bad practice to reuse the browser across tests – what do you think?
    2. The reason I’m here in the first place is I am taking a Udemy class – Selenium WebDriver Basics, and they are
    insisting on the public static WebDriver. They indicate only do driver.quit() after at Test Class, ie multiple tests.
    Seems to me if you have static Webdriver and only close it once per class you run into problems if you try multi-threaded testing – what do you think



    1. I think that using static mehods and variables is not a good practice and is not needed for keeping the driver.
      There are ways of going around that.

      I dont use @BeforeClass and @AfterClass at all.
      The automated tests should be independent and this includes running each test in a new browser.



  2. When we have 1000s’ of scripts and creating a loginObject or for that matter any pageObject would be a huge duplication in each of those test scripts. What would a better way to handle those huge numbers of pageObject creation in each testscript or do we have any pattern to solve this issue.



      1. Alex i read a bit about loadable component and it talks about a solution for Slow loading of webpages and usage of load() & isLoaded() method. What am looking for is, is there a way to avoid repetition of
        “Loginpage loginPage = new Loginpage() & Homepage homepage = loginPage.clickSubmit()” kind of stuff in each and every testscript. If the book offers solution, I am would be glad to buy this.

        i have also inboxed you, do check your mail please.
